The Wyoming Democratic Party has chosen a new Executive Director. 22-year-old Laramie native Aimee Van Cleave will be the youngest political party director in the nation. Despite her age she has already worked as a legislative aide, worked on a political campaign, and has worked as a lobbyist.
“There are times when you are faced with people who believe that because of your age you can’t do things that your counterparts have done and what I lack in experience I more than make up for in determination. But that’s not to say that I don’t have experience, so I might be young, but I feel as though I am perfectly qualified.”
Van Cleave served as the Interim Director for the last few months. During that time, Van Cleave traveled across the state to raise money.
“We’ve seen a 45 percent increase in the amount that we receive from the people of Wyoming on a monthly basis. And that doesn’t count our one-time donations or our large donors. We’ve seen a steady flow coming in.”
Van Cleave plans to use data to identify Democrats who have not been voting. She says she is determined to enhance the party’s visibility in the state.