Wyoming Republican Legislative Leaders say they plan to begin an extensive review of all state revenues and spending. During his opening day speech to the Wyoming House of Representatives, Speaker of the House Kermit Brown says he and Senate President Phil Nicholas will embark on a rigorous look into Wyoming’s budget picture called Vision 2020.
“Too much of the discussion in this area is the product of anecdotes and opinions and too little is the product of hard data that can be enhanced with economic and statistical methods of evaluation available at our University. Our hope will be that Vision 2020 will give us all some comfort that saving and spending decisions are all grounded in fact and logic.”
House Minority Leader Mary Throne says she supports the effort, but in her speech she urged lawmakers to spend money to invest in Wyoming. Throne added that the legislature should accomplish some other things as well.
“Men and women should have an equal opportunity for economic success. Our workers need to be safe on the job and free from discrimination. They need access to health care and we should not allow our well founded skepticism of the federal government to prevent us from making good decisions like Medicaid expansion."
Governor Matt Mead addresses a joint session of the legislature Wednesday morning during his annual State of the State message.