Governor Matt Mead has signed into law a bill that strips powers from the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. In turn Superintendent Cindy Hill has filed suit, claiming that the new law is unconstitutional.
Mead also announced that Community College Director Jim Rose will serve as the interim Director of Education.
Mead said he did a lot of soul-searching before agreeing to sign the bill.
“I don’t think anybody would view this as a celebration, I think we would view it as a duty we must go forward on for the kids in Wyoming,” Mead says.
Hill says her goal is to challenge the unchecked power of the legislative branch.
“If this exercise of power can stand, then what will those in control do next? Will the strip the Secretary of State of all power? Will they strip the Treasurer of all power? Why has the governor turned a deaf ear to the people? If the Governor does not submit to legislative will, will they attempt to remove his powers?”
Hill says this is a watershed moment in Wyoming history.
Both Hill and Governor Mead say they will be able to work together in the future.