Gov. Mark Gordon was sworn into his second term on Monday, Jan. 2 in Cheyenne.
During his inaugural speech, he said he’s very optimistic about the state’s future. He said he will concentrate on making sure the government is responsive, responsible and accountable while also focusing on diversifying the economy, transforming education and advocating for Wyoming’s values.
Gordon said those values include people, wildlife, open spaces, agriculture, energy and helping each other.
“We can’t afford to lose them [Wyoming values] to the intemperance of heated rhetoric on social media or the inflammatory divisiveness of those seeking political gain,” Gordon said.
Another key theme throughout his speech was civilly engaging with those who have differing opinions through dialogue and compromise rather than division.
“To get things done, we need to reacquaint ourselves with the ability to disagree without being disagreeable. To listen as much as to advocate,” Gordon said. “Our nation was founded on dialogue more than dogma.”
Four other state elected officials were sworn in as well. Those were state auditor Kristi Racines, state treasurer Curt Meier, Secretary of State Chuck Gray and Superintendent of Public Instruction Megen Degenfelder.