Park County’s population is projected to increase by at least 4,000 people in less than 20 years. This, along with a recent spike in population during the pandemic, has brought the county’s land use plan to the county commission's attention.
Park County Commissioner Dossie Overfield said they realized the land use plan hasn’t been updated in over 20 years.
“I'd say better decisions on property and growth, in having this much growth and understanding what our constituents want, and where the growth should happen is huge for us to determine,” she said.
That’s why the county has started a review to update the plan. The land use plan has rules on things like subdivisions, size of parcels and water usage.
Overfield said they started the review of the plan by first asking the public what they love or don’t love about the county.
“We have a lot of open space, a lot of ag, pretty laid back, and they'd [Park County citizens] like to see it stay that way as much as we possibly can… understanding that growth is going to happen,” said Overfield.
Joy Hill, the Park County Planning and Zoning director, said they are digging a little bit deeper with public meetings throughout the first week of October.
“We want to know what they want to see in their part of Park County,” said Hill. “Because people who live here understand that Park County has many flavors. There's the North Fork, and there's Clark, and there's Meeteetse and they all are just a little bit different in their own way.”
Hill said this process is not being done to increase regulation but rather to get the regulations right.