Wyoming residents say they are not fond of common core, but support for same sex marriage is growing. A University of Wyoming election year survey found that most residents have heard of the Common Core education standards. University of Wyoming Political Scientist Jim King says that 36 percent support common core while 63 percent oppose it. But King says understanding of where common core came from is lacking.
“We also asked in our survey the origin of common core and only 18 percent of our respondents knew that this was a joint effort of state government officials and educators. Whereas 1/3 said this was strictly coming from the federal government, the remaining described it as a mix of state and federal government. So basically we are in a situation where only one in five know the origins of the common core program.”
When it comes to same sex marriage, support has grown.
“53% of our survey gave approve, 40% disapproved. So it’s been gaining over the years, it’s still not overwhelming popular in the state.”
King says the margin of error is plus or minus four percent. Wyoming Public Media was a co-sponsor of the survey.