US Senator from Wyoming, Mike Enzi, addressed his constituents online about their concerns over immigration reform. In a video chat he releases bi-monthly, Enzi says that for Wyoming, guest worker programs are important, because ranchers rely on them for workers like sheep herders. He says that for him, the immigration reform bill that the Senate will soon consider needs to have a true E-verify component -- a program that lets employers check their employees’ eligibility to work in the United States. Enzi also said that he tries to do what’s right and sometimes, that doesn’t please all of his constituents.
“There is probably only one person who agrees with 100 percent of my votes, and it isn’t even my wife Diana. It’s me,” says Enzi. “I was raised with a motto of ‘do what’s right, do your best, treat others as you want to be treated.’ And that’s what every piece of legislation I work on is measured by. Whether it’s right.”
The immigration bill is currently being marked up by the Senate Judiciary Committee.