Due to the pandemic, the University of Wyoming Science Roadshow has reinvented itself. The Science Roadshow made its name by sending UW graduate and undergraduate students to schools across Wyoming to show science to kids. Following the coronavirus outbreak, the program went virtual.
Topics in the Virtual Roadshow include the night sky, how to brew kombucha and how weed killers work.
The lessons cover a lot of the requirements for science education in Wyoming, and team member Liam Guille said the Virtual Roadshow will help teachers.
"It really gives educators a great opportunity to become more comfortable with working with STEM," said Guille. "So we hope at Virtual Roadshow to make that a little bit more accessible for educators to jump into that STEM learning environment."
Guille said that he and his team created the material to be interesting and understandable for everyone. The Virtual Roadshow is accessible online.
Have a question about this story? Please contact the reporter, Ashley Piccone, at apiccone@uwyo.edu.