As kids across Wyoming take the Proficiency Assessment for Wyoming Students—or PAWS—test this month, the State Board of Education is looking for input on the future of statewide testing.
With the adoption of the Common Core State Standards, the state needs to decide what test it will use to gauge student learning down the line. Board member Sue Belish says lawmakers asked the State Board to play a role.
"I think there’s been a great deal of discussion of who should make the decision and where the decision gets made about our state test," says Belish. "And the legislature came back and said, ‘Guess what, State Board of Education, we want you to come back with a recommendation to make sure we have a really good system in place.’"
The Board is currently putting together a task force of Wyomingites to study testing options. Applications are everyone. They are due March 27 and can be found on the Wyoming Department of Education’s website.