Wyoming Public Media sent statehouse reporter and photographer David Dudley to shoot pictures of Cheyenne Frontier Days' (CFD) Grand Parade on July 23 2024.
CFD staff pull out all the stops for the Grand Parade. They bring out historic carriages and costumes as hundreds of volunteers and performers roll, stroll, trot and stomp down Capitol Ave. toward the Union Pacific train station.
Each branch of the U.S. military was represented, as were many law enforcement and fire departments with their various service vehicles. There were at least three high school marching bands in the parade, and a number of Indigenous Americans representing their tribes. American Legion members were on hand, as well as their families.
Parade watchers were treated to colorful, energetic performances. The first parade launched in 1925.
Editor's note: If you recognize anyone in the photos, we'd love to hear from you. Please drop us a line at ddudley5@uwyo.edu to share their information. We'll update the story as needed.