According to the Wyoming State Historical Society, on October 23, 1941, a survey showed that Wyomingites favored full military assistance to Great Britain before accepting her defeat. About 30 years later, on October 23, 1972, Fossil Butte National Monument was created by an act of Congress. On October 24, 1893, Wyoming's exhibits at Chicago's World's Fair received 21 awards. On October 25, 1918, the Rock Springs Miner reported more than 500 flu cases in Evanston. On October 26, 1906, the town of Lovell was incorporated. Also on October 26, but in 1942, a person "seeking a visit to Alcatraz" robbed the Torrington Post Office. On October 27, 1913, it was announced that Worland was going to be getting a breakfast food factory and a flour mill. On October 29, 1913, an investigation was underway about the sticks of dynamite that had exploded near the offices of the Hulett Globe.
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