A new display at the College of Health Sciences Building on the University of Wyoming campus will commemorate UW's COVID-19 vaccination efforts. According to a press release, students from the schools of Nursing and Pharmacy, along with college faculty members and Laramie health care workers, anchored about 500 emptied vaccine vials to a wooden frame. The frame is in the shape of UW's bucking horse and rider. All of the volunteers who helped assemble the vaccine display autographed the back.
A traveling educational lab that promotes learning about science, technology, engineering and mathematics was in Laramie last week. The Laramie Boomerang reports the Curiosity Cube gave kids the opportunity to explore their own microbiome, or the bacteria inside the human body. The station uses local scientists and volunteers to connect with the community.
A Rock Springs native has been selected for the Team USA Wheelchair Basketball Team. Sweetwater Now reports that Mandy Willmore is one of 12 athletes who will go to Sao Paulo, Brazil in early July for the world qualifiers. If the team qualifies in Brazil, they will head to Dubai for the World Championships in November.