2018 Interns

Tayo Basquiat 2017 - 2018 Internship
Micah Schweizer is an amazing, patient, generous teacher. Working on the "Spoken Words" podcast gave me a whole new skill set and a portfolio of work that I hope will give me new opportunities down the road. My role as "producer" opened doors with authors, creating professional networking opportunities--valuable for an introvert like me. From beginning to end, a fantastic opportunity--I'm very grateful to WPM!
View Tayo's favorite project here.

Klara Casillo's Summer 2018 Internship
I had such a positive experience this summer working for Wyoming Public Radio. I was able to take the skills I gained from my professional writing classes to write a variety of stories for the station. My favorite project was the Migrant Education Program piece where I was able to write on a subject I feel very strongly about and am highly interested in.
View Klara's summer stories here.
August Lah’s Spring and Summer 2018 Internship

I loved my internship at Wyoming Public Radio. Working for HumaNature was an incredible opportunity to learn both the technical and creative skills that go into making a podcast. Everyone I worked with was friendly and encouraging and made me feel at home here.
August was the lead producer for HumaNature Episode 39: Junk.

Tressa Versteeg’s Spring 2018 Internship
Interning at Wyoming Public Media allowed me to dive into the hustle-and-bustle that goes on at a public radio station. It was a joy to help produce HumaNature, a news feature, and feel supported in my learning process.
View Tressa’s news feature here.

Carlos Gonzales’ Spring 2018 Internship
Working at WPR this semester has been an amazing opportunity. Working with the digital team was both busy and exciting, and provided experience with outreach to the entire state and beyond. I have greatly enjoyed my time at WPR and recommend an internship there highly.
View one of Carlos’ social media posts.

Emma Fenelon’s Spring 2018 Internship
Working as a media intern for Wyoming Public Radio this semester allowed me to have a more “hands on” approach to what I have learned so far in most of my communication classes. Interning with Wyoming Public Radio allows for interns to earn experience in a little bit of everything: social media posting, photography as well as media graphics if needed.
View one of Emma's social media posts.
Sam Eagan’s 2017 - 2018 Internships

Working at WPM for the summer was an awesome experience that helped me to develop skills that I can use in the future as a journalist. Everybody in the office was incredibly friendly and beyond helpful to me. I had never really worked in any journalism-related field before but this internship gave me an awesome crash course. I had a lot of fun and would love to come back in another semester.
View Sam’s summer semester projects here: The Modern West 19, Modern West 26 & Modern West 29.
View Sam’s spring semester project here.

Taylar Stagner's Summer 2018 Internship
My internship with Wyoming Public Media acquainted me with a relationship to radio that I never would have thought I could enjoy before that fateful summer. My supervisors cared about my progress and helped me develop skills that I can take on into the future with confidence. I am nothing but grateful for the opportunities Wyoming Public Media gave me.
View Taylar's stories.
Taylar continued on Wyoming Public Media's staff as a part-time reporter.

London Homer-Wambeam's Spring and Summer 2018 Internship
Interning at Wyoming Public Radio was an important learning experience for me. I gained practical skills for working in a newsroom and radio station. I enjoyed working with everyone there and it has inspired me to pursue a career in public radio.
View London's HumaNature video.
View London's News feature story.
London continued on Wyoming Public Media's staff as a part-time reporter.