Since the beginning of time, humans sought connection to nature. Today is no different. In an often confusing world, humans seek experiences that bring them closer to something greater than themselves and less complicated. On their journey, they come to the crossroads where humans meet nature and wondrous encounters can take place. Every episode of HumaNature tells the story of an unusual encounter. Be prepared to think, laugh, and sometimes cry.
The season begins on March 1, 2023 with the story of an alligator that took Los Angeles, California by storm in the early 2000’s and became a celebrity. His name is Reggie, and his story is nothing short of remarkable. So we hope you join us as we recount Reggie’s journey into stardom, his time on the lam, and where he is today.
About HumaNature
The winner of three PMJA (Public Media Journalists Association) Best Station Podcast awards, HumaNature has aired on more than 100 public radio stations and ran weekly on SiriusXM satellite radio in 2017-2018. It has been featured on CBC Radio-Canada’s Podcast Playlist, WHYY’sThe Pulse, and WAMC’s 51% and on podcasts including Brain on Nature, NHPR’s Outside/In, and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s Off Track.
HumaNature has celebrated over one million downloads, thanks to listeners around the world who find the show “compelling,” ”interesting,” and “a breath of fresh air,” as reviewers have put it on Apple Podcasts. After seven seasons, which included three PRNDI awards for best podcast, a spot on Bello Collective’s “100 Outstanding Audio Stories of 2016,” broadcasts on more than 100 public radio stations, HumaNature returns.
For more information contact new host and producer, Megan Feighery,
HumaNature is available for download on all major podcasts apps and can be streamed at
About Wyoming Public Media
Wyoming Public Media (WPM) is Wyoming's public radio/media statewide network operating 4 FM channels and an online service. Its Wyoming Public Radio (WPR) FM signal alone reaches approximately 95 percent of the state and is heard by over 70,000 Wyomingites. Online content is accessed by over 1.2 million unique visitors annually. It is the NPR affiliate for Wyoming.
Wyoming Public Media is a service of the University of Wyoming.
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