Governor Matt Mead says the newly appointed Director of the Wyoming Department of Education will bring fresh ideas to the state.
Rich Crandall will take over the day-to-day duties of running the Department after those duties were removed from Superintendent Cindy Hill. Mead says state residents will be impressed with Crandall.
“He is focused like a laser on education, on students, on teachers, on principals, superintendents and importantly parents on what they want to see in the educational system.”
Mead added that he will be ready to handle the many challenges that face the department.
“He will do a very good job in working through difficult issues with the legislature. He is fully committed to this in terms of seeing what he can do to reach out across the state to get ideas to move us forward in education.”
The Governor notes that Crandall helped Florida Governor Jeb Bush with developing technology in the classroom. Crandall is a former Arizona State Senator who chaired the education committee in that state.
He is currently the C-E-O of a company that provides nutritional services to schools. Crandall says he is looking forward to meeting state residents and getting their views on education.