If you’ve got the stagger and the moan, a Wyoming film company is looking for you.
Bighorn Samurai Sinema will host auditions this month for extras and small roles in its upcoming zombie Western, “From the Trailer to the Grave.”
Executive Producer K. Harrison Sweeney says the film is a romantic comedy set in the not-too-distant future, in which a zombie epidemic is sweeping the nation. Wyoming is remote and sparsely populated enough to build a wall around its perimeter before it can be infected. Sweeney says he’s looking for people to play zombies, but he also wants survivors with a variety of talents.
“No skill set is too obscure,” Sweeney said. “There’s gonna be a rapier and dagger fight between a zombie and human. There’s roping.”
Sweeney says it’s harder than it looks to be convincing, and not simply appear tired.
“The zombie, the movement you have to be fully in tune with your entire kinestisphere,” he said. “They have to localize where they were bitten.”
Sweeney will host zombie movement workshops before the auditions to help actors get in character.
Auditions will be at the Wagon Wheel Skating Rink in Casper this Sunday, and the U-W Agriculture building next Sunday.