Energy companies operating near Pinedale will soon have to retrofit their older equipment to curb emissions.
Natural gas development in the Pinedale Anticline gas field has caused air pollution, to the extent that the area violates federal air quality standards. The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality has already imposed limits on emissions from new equipment. But until now, older equipment that was already in place was exempt from those standards. DEQ Air Quality Administrator Steve Dietrich says that needs to change.
“You have to look at all the sources of emissions that could contribute,” Dietrich said.
DEQ is currently drafting new rules that would require greener retrofits for “grandfathered” equipment.
Dietrich says the rule-making process typically takes seven to nine months, but it could be longer.
“The seven to nine months generally represents a rule-making process that’s noncontroversial,” he said. “It can be extended quite a bit, depending on the nature of the comments you receive.”
The new rules will only apply to energy equipment in the nonattainment area.