The Brinton Museum in Big Horn, known for featuring western and American Indian art, has a new exhibit featuring the work of its inaugural artists-in-residence.
The six artists came to the area from around the country in 2018 for one to three weeks. The residency includes the exhibition as well as presentations and a meet and greet with the public.
Museum Director Ken Schuster said there are no limits on what artists are allowed to do.
"They're here to come and work and develop whatever they'd like to in their art and take advantage of the Bighorn Mountains and the region here," he said.
The artists created almost 50 diverse pieces of art in oil, watercolor and pastel, most of which are landscapes. The exhibit is now on display and runs through October 20.
The museum is also now displaying the work of local artist Randy Stout of Sheridan.
The collection titled "Solitude" features the watercolor paintings. Schuster said Stout paints most of his work while on backpacking trips.
"He calls its 'Solitude' because it's about the trips he's taken on the Solitude trail," he said. The trail is located near Big Horn in the Cloud Peak Wilderness.
The exhibit is now on display until September 30.