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Turnout Could Make The Governor Sweat

Due to the summer, turnout may not be high during today’s primary election. That will mean that fewer people will decide some key races. 

One of the hotly contested races involves Governor Matt Mead and challengers Taylor Haynes and State Superintendent of Public Instruction Cindy Hill. University of Wyoming Political Scientist Jim King said the governor needs his supporters to vote.

“The concern I would think in the Mead camp right now would be making sure that people don’t just assume that everything is fine and find something else to do that day.”

This is what happened in Congress when Eric Cantor was upset earlier this summer. 

“Clearly Superintendent Hill and Dr. Haynes have supporters who are very strong in their support and they are certainly going to be the ones who show up at the polls.”

But King says since Haynes and Hill both represent a conservative arm of the party, it is also possible that they will split the opposition votes, which would benefit governor Mead. Polls close tonight at 7pm.

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Bob Beck retired from Wyoming Public Media after serving as News Director of Wyoming Public Radio for 34 years. During his time as News Director WPR has won over 100 national, regional and state news awards.
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