Archives On The Air

Archives On The Air 176: Man Without A Star—Dee Linford Papers

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American Heritage Center

Dee Linford grew up in Wyoming before he was drafted into the Marines in World War II. Linford was stationed in Japan.

In a letter home he wrote:

"I would trade it all for one old fashioned cocktail, as put up by my favorite bartender in Cheyenne. In short, I am just one of several million bored and perhaps disillusioned G.I.s. I want to go home, kiss my wife, and plant corn. After which, given the opportunity, I should like to personally throttle with my two hands the son of a bitch [gun] who invented war."

After the War Linford went on to write over 200 pulp western stories and novels. He often used the classic western plot where a rich landowner exploits settlers until a lone hero rides in to save the day.

Linford's 1952 novel "Man Without A Star" was made into Hollywood movies twice. One film starred Kirk Douglas.

Explore Dee Linford's West at UW's American Heritage Center.