In July of 1952, Republicans gathered from around the U.S. for the Republican National Convention in Chicago. In addition to nominating war hero Dwight D. Eisenhower for president, the assembled body also adopted a Republican platform.
Republicans pledged to safeguard the country from Communist subversion and disloyalty and to root out corruption and government bureaucracy. They promised to curb taxation and support small business and a free economy. The platform also set forth the goal of reducing the national debt and ending the unpopular war in Korea.
The Grand Old Party favored the retention of the Taft-Hartley Act, which restricted the activities and power of labor unions. Notably, the party also supported eventual statehood for Puerto Rico and adding a constitutional amendment supporting equal rights for women.
Learn more about the1952 Republican platform in the Edward Crippa papers at UW’s American Heritage Center.
For more information, visit the American Heritage Center site.