Archives On The Air

Archives On The Air 130: Internee News—Russell Brines Papers

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Journalist Russell Brines was working for the Associated Press in Manila when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor in December 1941. Shortly after, Japan invaded the Philippines.

Brines, his wife and daughter were held at an internment camp in Manila. While there, Brines started a newsletter called Internee News. 

Another internee said "It was a weekly legal-sized paper that began with 2 pages, that became so important to our lives that it was expanded to 6 pages. The paper was taken secretly from stocks stored in the Japanese commandant's office.

"In it, Russel reported on prison life, [and] gave guidance on Japanese rules of behavior... He was often seen about the prison with pencil and notebook in hand, scribbling - and looking as if nothing had changed in his life."

Learn more about his career in the Russell Brines papers at UW's American Heritage Center.