The Red Cross of Wyoming is holding disaster preparedness training for current and new volunteers in Casper on April 12 and 13.
The trainings include distribution, damage assessment and sheltering fundamentals.
Gehrig Haberstock, disaster program manager for the Red Cross in Wyoming, said the most common disasters in the state are flooding, winter storms, wildfires and house fires.
"The cool thing about our trainings is that we're going to do a similar function in the majority of those disasters," he said. "So come to one training and the shelter that operates is going to be the same in a winter storm versus a wildfire versus a flood."
Volunteers comprise over 90 percent of the disaster workforce, Haberstock said. This training is one way to get more people involved.
"This winter we wanted to offer training for volunteers both existing ones we have and bring new ones on board to say this is what the Red Cross does and how you can be involved in your community," he said.
Haberstock said he thinks more people are becoming more conscious of how disasters can affect everyone.
"I hope people are realizing the world we live in is disaster prone and it can happen anywhere, anytime, anybody. There's no bias to disaster anymore," he said.
If you're interested in the training, you can contact Haberstock by email at or by phone at 307-251-2231.