Grizzly shot in Grant Teton National Park

Tom Mangelsen

Grand Teton National Park officials are warning hunters to be bear aware, after a group of elk hunters shot and killed a male grizzly bear on Thanksgiving. The hunters say the bear charged at them.

Park Spokeswoman Jenny Anzelmo-Sarles says hunters within the park are required to carry bear spray and have it immediately available.

“We also stress that individuals should hunt with partners; avoid dark, timbered areas during the middle of the day, when bears may be using a day bed; have a pre-determined plan of action for retrieving game from the field; and be extra cautious after making a kill and when hunting in areas where animals have recently been harvested.”

This is the first grizzly bear death within the park that has been attributed to hunters.  

Law enforcement and park officials are investigating the incident to determine if bear was killed in self-defense.

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