Healthcare Overhaul Supporters Applaud Supreme Court’s Decision

Following the Supreme Court’s verdict, Wyoming supporters of the Affordable Care Act anticipate increased quality, transparency, and accessibility of health care in the state.

Marguerite Herman is with Consumer Advocates: Project Healthcare, a Wyoming-based healthcare information resource. She says the Affordable Care Act will help provide coverage for the state’s nearly 90,000 uninsured.

 “It preserves private insurance, it preserves private healthcare providers, and it insures that everyone in the state can have access to good, meaningful insurance. If they can’t afford it, they will get help to pay for it,” Herman says.

Herman adds that, with the bill, Wyoming might see an increase in the number of doctors and nurse practitioners in the state. States are also required to create online marketplaces called healthcare exchanges to compare insurance company rates and services. If Wyoming doesn’t set up an exchange by January first, the federal government will set one up for the state. Herman says that with health care exchanges, Wyomingites will be insured of the quality of their healthcare as well as the dependability of their insurance.

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