A Rock Springs artist got to revisit old work for a new exhibit. The Rock Springs Rocket Miner reports Deon Quitberg refreshed and even finished pieces from the last 30 or so years for this show. Many of her two dimensional mixed media works were created on location.
The U.S. Army School of Music has accepted a Sheridan teacher into its ranks. The Sheridan Press reports Stephanie Zukowski auditioned as a vocalist and made it in on her first try - most people have to try out multiple times. She had to perform ten songs and the National Anthem for the audition. Zukowski will be enlisting in the Wyoming National Guard and will perform with Wyoming’s Own 67th Army Band once she has completed training at the school of music.
The world-famous Planters NUTmobile made a stop in Gillette last week. The Gillette News-Bureau reports people got to check out the vehicle and take pictures with Mr. Peanut, adding to the lore at the Frontier Auto Museum where it had parked. The NUTmobile’s dimensions are exactly 415 peanuts long, 140 peanuts wide and 180 peanuts high.
And USA Today readers have ranked Cody as the tenth best small town in the country for art.