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Around Wyoming brings you news from around the state, keeping you informed with brief updates of stories you may have missed.

Around Wyoming, Thursday, May 23

The University of Wyoming Cowboy golf team recently had their best performance of the season at an invite-only golf tournament. The Pokes had a team score of 852 (-12) during their second straight appearance at the GOLFWEEK National Golf Invitational in Arizona.

Some Gillette residents may have recently been stuck in a unique traffic jam. The Gillette News Record reports local rancher Mike Miller brought about 160 sheep right through town to the Sheepherder’s Festival. The Gillette City Council closed a street and had employees directing traffic to help make the trip go smoothly.

A man in Chugwater is known for his unusual way to get around town - an old John Deere tractor! K2Radio writes that Josh Hopkins takes his green machine throughout town pretty much year-round.

And to close out the school year, Fremont County School District #1 held its first ever Adaptive PE Field Day at Pathfinder High School in Lander. County10 reports students played games like volleyball, bowling, fishing, archery, horseshoes, golf and much more. All of them used an adaptive model that ensured kids of all skill levels and abilities got to participate. The school district is already planning next year’s to be bigger and better.

Ivy started as a science news intern in the summer of 2019 and has been hooked on broadcast ever since. Her internship was supported by the Wyoming EPSCoR Summer Science Journalism Internship program. In the spring of 2020, she virtually graduated from the University of Wyoming with a B.S. in biology with minors in journalism and business. When she’s not writing for WPR, she enjoys baking, reading, playing with her dog, and caring for her many plants.