According to the Wyoming Historical Society, on April 7th, 1869, John Campbell was sworn in as the first territorial governor of Wyoming. On the same day, 99 years later, 750 people gathered at the Natrona County High School in Casper for a memorial for Martin Luther King, Jr., after he was assassinated in Memphis. On April 9th, 1890, Francis Warren was inaugurated as the first governor of Wyoming once it gained statehood. Warren was born in Massachusetts and went on to serve in the U.S. Senate for nearly forty years. Also on April 9th, in 1924, a bridge on the Cody-Powell road was washed out as a result of heavy flooding in the area.
On April 10th, 1890, a red sandstone quarry opened at Iron Mountain in Laramie County. On April 11th, 1956, Congress passed the Colorado River Storage Project Act, which funded the Flaming Gorge dam and reservoir. On April 12th, 1905, the Wyoming Wool Growers Association was founded. To this day, it continues to promote and support the sheep and livestock industry in the state.