The Green River High School theater department recently did something no one else in the state has done before. SweetwaterNow reports they performed the play “Puffs,” a parody of the “Harry Potter” series, for over 24 hours straight. Throughout the play, people traded in and out in different roles so they could have breaks.
The Lander Valley High School swim and dive team did something else that no other team in the state, or the country, has ever done. County10 reports they recently won their 28th straight state championship. They came in as an underdog this year, but in prelims, each Tiger swam faster than his season-best entry time.
Some Wyoming producers have stepped up to help their fellow producers in Texas after the recent wildfire there. The Wyoming Tribune Eagle reports it all started with Dottie Packard and her husband. They solicited donations and brought a semi-truck full of hay 700 miles to those in need. It has expanded to multiple producers bringing multiple loads full of hay, fencing supplies, and other needed items to the affected areas in Texas and Oklahoma. The costs of these trips are being covered by donations and out of producers’ own pockets.