A Converse County dog will be heading to New York City in May to compete in the Westminster Dog Show. K2Radio reports Rowan is a Bracco Italiano, which is a kind of hunting dog. He has competed in twelve shows so far and he was the first Bracco Italiano to win All Breed Best in Show at the Evergreen Colorado Kennel Club.
A cheerleading team from Gillette will also be traveling across the country to compete. County17 reports GPX Cheer won two grand championship all-star Prep Division titles and a bid for the All-Star World Competition in April in Orlando, Florida. They will perform against teams from across the country.
Casper elementary students are working to combat climate change and keep their school looking beautiful. My Country 95.5 reports the fifth grade class at Sagewood Elementary is learning about the benefits of and science behind composting. They feed food scraps into a composter purchased by last year’s class. It will be used to feed the grass around the school.
And, according to tvScientific, Wyoming’s favorite show to watch is House of the Dragon - a prequel to “Game of Thrones.”