According to the Wyoming Historical Society, on December 17, 1897, the Laramie Boomerang reported that local inventor Elmer Lovejoy was waiting for a shipment of wheels for his horseless carriage. It was to become Wyoming’s first car. On December 17, 1914, the Cheyenne fire chief offered some advice to prevent fires, saying that every Santa costume “should be dipped in a solution of four ounces of phosphate of ammonia to a quart of water.” On December 21, 1933, the Wyoming legislature defeated an attempt to institute a state income tax. On December 23, 1941, the first rationing chief was appointed.
And, according to the University of Wyoming American Heritage Center, on December 18, 1890, the Trustees passed a resolution that stated, “Abstinence from the use of intoxicating liquors be and is hereby made a requirement in the employment or the continuance in their respective positions of each and every member of the Faculty.” This was almost 30 years before prohibition started.