According to the Wyoming Historical Society, on November 12, 1889, the recently incorporated town of Newcastle held its first municipal election. That same day a year later in 1890, the first state legislature was called to order. On November 13, 1915, Thermopolis sheepman James Dickie experimented with using his airplane to herd sheep. On November 14, 1913, the Thermopolis Record wrote that “wheat brought from an Egyptian tomb and sown in Wyoming’s splendid soil promises to make a record.” On November 14, 1935, Crook County News reported that a Montana man was killed by a flying sheep. On November 18, 1902, the Irma Hotel, named for Buffalo Bill's daughter, opened in Cody.
And according to the University of Wyoming American Heritage Center, on November 18, 1898, the University Librarian and Secretary of the Board of Trustees, Grace Hebard, was admitted to the practice of law in the state. She was the first woman in Wyoming to become a member of the profession.