A Big Piney resident is working to save lives after nearly losing his own. The Pinedale Roundup reports Warren Phillips overdosed about two years ago. His life was saved with Narcan. He’s now meeting with county officials and is working to teach people about the overdose reversal nasal spray. So far, about eight local entities have signed up to have Narcan on hand and train employees to use it.
Students and staff of Natrona County School District recently teamed up with the Casper Mountain Lions Club to finish a trail project. Oil City News reports they designed and constructed an upper bridge for the Casper Mountain Lee McCune Braille Trail. From conception to installation, the project took just over one school year.
The Wyoming Outdoor Council is looking for photographers to submit their photos for its 2024 Calendar Contest. This year’s theme aims to capture the essence of home in Wyoming, or “Wyhoming.” The deadline to enter is Friday.
And, according to research from Forbes Advisor about road rage, Wyoming has the fifth most polite drivers in the country. Researchers looked at things like how many drivers had been insulted while driving or been cut off on purpose.