A Gillette College student recently came to the rescue of a couple passing through town. The Gillette News Record reports Beth and Vernon Jackson drive through every year on their way to Montana for vacation. Only this time, their truck broke down. Adam Wood happened to drive by and see their hood up. He pulled over, diagnosed the problem, went to the store and his father's house for tools, and installed the truck's new alternator. He refused to take any money for his work and still made his dinner plans that evening.
The Double Dubs wing food truck based in Laramie has been awarded Festival Favorite at the National Buffalo Wing Festival in Buffalo, New York for the second time. Cowboy State Daily reports the truck also won second place for its Hot Traditional Wing Sauce for the second year in a row and placed second in Creative Spicy Wing Sauce.
The new Riverton Police Chief was recently honored with a Star Quilt in a special ceremony and honorary dance during the Northern Arapaho Powwow. County10 reports the Star Quilt has taken the place of buffalo robes as important gifts from the tribe. The presentation hopes to help build a positive relationship with the department.