Ivan L. Moody is best known as the lead singer for the hard rock band Five Finger Death Punch. Oil City News reports he moved to Cheyenne and he’s opening two businesses. The first is a rock and roll themed convenience store and gas station. And the second is an outpatient facility focused on treating addiction and mental health.
A little further north, the Weston County library now has a seed lending library. According to the News Letter Journal, a wooden cabinet holds the seeds and is operated by the honor system. It hopes to introduce residents to gardening through seed saving and maybe develop some new green thumbs!
In Riverton, the Riverton Youth Soccer Association has successfully fundraised enough money to go to London in August. County 10 reports, 14 soccer players will be able to experience European soccer after they fundraised for 11 months.
And recently in Thermopolis, over 100 children took over the outside area of the Hot Springs County Library in a dance party-bubble bath. The Thermopolis Independent Record writes the foam party was in celebration of the library’s summer reading program.