Wyoming whole grains will soon be offered in food pantries throughout the state. The Powell Tribune reports a new partnership between Wyoming Heritage Grains, Food Bank of Wyoming and the University of Wyoming Extension will educate people on how to use the local grain the most effectively.
A new addition to Curt Gowdy state park will give kids a place to gather and join activities based in kindness. The Wyoming Tribune Eagle reports Cheryl Gowdy, who is the daughter of the park’s namesake, cut the ribbon to Little House last weekend. It will be open on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays with programming geared toward kids 3-12.
Also last weekend, some dogs got to be the stars of the show. The Gillette News Record reports after the local horse races wrapped up, the track became a dog racing track. A field of dachshunds, then corgis raced for about 50 yards for the right to the title of fastest dog of the day.
Three Wyoming schools will receive a new fitness center from the National Foundation for Governors’ Fitness Councils. County17 reports Arapahoe School, Lander Middle School, and Sheridan Junior High School will hold ribbon cutting ceremonies in the fall.