The Moorcroft High School boy's golf team recently won their third straight Spring Championship. The Moorcroft Leader reports the team could only participate in three tournaments this year due to weather, but they endured wind and rain to take the trophy this time.
The American Legion National Commander just wrapped up a visit to the Big Horn Basin. The Cody Enterprise reports Vincent Troiola of Main visited with local Post members and toured museums and the Heart Mountain Internment Camp.
More than 100 pairs of cowboy boots were given to high school seniors in Pinedale earlier this month. The Pinedale Roundup reports they’re known as Jae Boots after a local who committed suicide in 2016. They’re part of the Jae Foundation’s efforts to raise awareness of mental health and remind the wearer to check in on others and ask for help when needed.
And in honor of Historic Preservation Month, Laramie Main Street Alliance has relaunched its facade grant program. The Laramie Boomerang reports the program hopes to support downtown Laramie while preserving its historic features.