A Powell High Schooler recently made history as the first Wyomingite to make it to the final three at the National American Legion Oratorical Competition. The Powell Tribune reports Emma Johnson drew inspiration from the musical “Hamilton,” and spoke about how her generation is ready to protect the Constitution.
The SkillsUSA team from Guernsey has won the State Championships for the third year in a row. The PC Record Times reports the team members also won gold medals in the Community Service category for the fourth straight year.
And stepping out of competitions, the U.S. Postal Service has announced that the Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River will be featured in the Waterfall Forever stamp collection. Buckrail reports they will be free at the first-day-of-issue event on June 13 at the Canyon Visitors Education Center in the park.
Cooper Stevens from Campbell County High School will be graduating this weekend among the top scholars in the country. The Gillette News Record reports Stevens is a National Merit Scholar and a Presidential Scholars Program semi-finalist. He also scored a perfect 36 average score on the ACT.