Second Chance Ministries in Gillette recently opened their third House of Hope. The Gillette News Record reports there were some hiccups with funding, raising questions whether or not the house would open. But it’s open and supports men who have been released from prison to get on their feet and become self sufficient.
A Sundance veteran is trying to rebuild the local American Legion Post. The Sundance Times reports Phil Colozzi recently moved to the town and realized the post there had been disbanded in 2021. He is now the interim Commander of Post 45 and is working to contact the previous members and other veterans to rebuild its membership.
This year’s Wyoming Archaeology Awareness Month poster has won first place in the nation for a record 12th time. Buckrail reports this year’s poster features a stone structure near the top of Grand Teton and discusses how and why it was built more than 150 years ago. It’s titled “The Enclosure.”
And according to fashion brand Boohoo, Wyoming’s favorite fashion decade is the 1980s. This was determined by analyzing fashion-related terms that were Googled in each state.