In the spirit of April Fool’s here are some stories that may have you wondering - is it true?
Do you remember when Teton County sold to the highest bidder? Last year, The Jackson Hole News and Guide reported that Mick Axxon, a Chicago-based trillionaire who comes to the county for the weekends, bought a fancy leather cowboy hat downtown and then purchased the county for nuteen squillion dollars. Axxon, in collaboration with Motley Crüe’s co-founder and bassist, Mikki Trixxx, will develop the hole as a Crüe-focused theme park, starting with a neon umlaut at the summit of the Grand Teton.
In an attempt to solve the housing crisis, The News and Guide also reported that Jackson was giving out “anywhere-but-here” funding. In order to receive it, residents needed to prove they will move to at least 150 miles outside the town of Jackson. There are several other bonuses residents could apply for.
What about the time that Kanye West was going to help Park County officials with their blowing trash problem? The Powell Tribune reported last year that West was tired of seeing wind-blown plastics. So, his workers would collect all of the bags scattered around the Cody landfill. They would then become a base material for a new line of shoes, called “Yeezy Breezys.” Happy April Fools!