According to the Wyoming Historical Society, on January 29, 1920, National Prohibition went into effect, seven months after Wyoming’s Prohibition law went into effect. Also on January 29, but in 1958, Charles Starkweather and his accomplice Caril Fugate were captured outside of Douglas after a 10-victim killing spree across Nebraska and Wyoming. On January 30, 1826, Amalia Post, who became one of the first women in the nation to serve on a jury in Cheyenne, was born in Vermont. Also on January 30, but in 1902, the comedian, actor, and writer W.C. Fields performed at the Cheyenne Opera House. On January 31, 1917, Gov. John B. Kendrick signed the bill creating the Wyoming State Flag. The Indian Paintbrush was also adopted as the state flower that same day. On February 2, 1943, the Wyoming Supreme Court decided that common law marriage was invalid.
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