According to the Wyoming State Historical Society, on January 1, 1889, a total solar eclipse crossed the far northwest corner of Yellowstone National Park for two minutes and 17 seconds. Also on January 1, but a year later in 1890, the Cheyenne Sun stated that 1890 would mark Wyoming’s transition from a dependent territory to a sovereign state. Wyoming became a state that March. On January 2, the Notorious Blizzard of 1949 began in central southeastern Wyoming. On January 3, 1926, a Piggly Wiggly store opened in Lander.On January 4, 1897, the Big Horn County government was organized, with its county seat in Basin City. On January 5, 1925, Wyoming Governor Nellie Tayloe Ross took office as the first female governor in the nation. On January 7, 1882, the Wyoming Telephone and Telegraph Co. was formed. Also on January 7, but in 1913, Platte County was organized.
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