According to the Wyoming State Historical Society, on June 20, 1925, the first electric typewriter in the state was used in a Cheyenne newspaper office. On June 22, 1947, snowfall nearly canceled the Gillette to Douglas horse race. On June 23, 1923, in Glendo, a man was caught siphoning whiskey from a barrel hidden in a horse carcass. And finally, on June 25, 1933, the Fort Bridger State Historic Site was dedicated.
The Northern Wyoming Herald on June 21, 1922, reported that the second-largest wool clip in the world, which came from Warren Livestock company, and half of the largest wool clip in the world, which came from Swan Land and Cattle Company, were sold in Cheyenne the previous week. The price hadn't been announced but was said to be well above a quarter of a million dollars.
The Cheyenne State Leader reported on June 23, 1915, that 140 horses had just been purchased by the French government from different Wyoming owners. The representative said they would be in Wyoming for some time still, as they had orders to purchase 20,000 horses for the army. To date, they'd purchased about 1,500.