The Guernsey Gazette reports that local Special Olympian Amy Copsey received three more awards during this year's Special Olympic competition in Wheatland. Thirty years ago, Copsey had a string of victories that won her 51 medals in various sports as a Special Olympian. In this year's competition, Copsey took a first-place award for softball skills, first place for basketball skills and a second-place in the 200-meter run.
Five Jackson Hole High School students got to cook for astronauts at the Johnson Space Center in Houston last month. The Jackson Hole News and Guide reports the team made chicken poke, pork egg rolls and a pineapple Dole Whip dessert to try to get on NASA's Health Stabilization Program, which is a dieting regimen designed to prepare astronauts for the rigors of space travel. Students had to consider food nutrition, flavor, and weight, among other things, when creating their menus.
And the Uinta County Herald writes that in Evanston, the employees at Les Schwab Tire volunteered their time and equipment to remove and dispose of dozens of tires that had been dumped near an old business.